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Courtney Vroman

"Fill your cup." What does that even mean?

You've heard it from your friends.

You've seen it on social media.

Heck, you've probably pinned a cute quote picture with that exact saying on it on Pinterest.

So, what does it mean?

Imagine that you just poured yourself a glass of water. You go to take a drink and your friend asks for a drink. You pour some into her glass. As you lift the glass to your lips, your spouse asks for a drink, and you pour some into their glass. Next up, your kids are thirsty. A little more of your water goes into their cups. (See where this is going?) Then the church you volunteer at asks for a drink. Your job also needs a drink. The household task-list even takes a swig. When everyone else has taken their fill, you finally raise your glass -- only to find that your cup is empty.

How are you supposed to drink from an empty cup? You can't. You are left without water while everyone around you has had their fill.

Now you're thirsty! But what happens next? Your kids ask you for another drink. But your cup is empty. You have nothing to give them. Now you're not the only one who is thirsty.

All of this is to say that if you want to show up for every aspect of your life, you need to fill your cup so that you can continue to fill the cups of those around you.

Let me fill your cup at EmpowerHer. Take one day and focus on yourself. I know you don't do it enough. Bring your mom, your best friend, that girl in your book club you'd like to get to know more, and join me for a day of building confidence, clarity, and friendships.

Stop putting yourself last. Feel empowered to live life as your best self.

XO, Courtney

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